restaurants in the area of Can Elisa

Enjoy Spanish cuisine and hospitality


Can Pinet

Can Pinet is the restaurant of Alicia and Jaime and you’ll find this on the right when you walk into the village from the parking lot. Paella is always on the menu and is certainly worth trying for lovers. Do you order the menu del dia? Then you get a delicious salad and Sobrasada in advance.

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Ca's Pelut

At Ca’s Pelut you can enjoy delicious Paella, great views and a real Spanish atmosphere.

Do not forget the dessert (postre), they make the most delicious cheesecake here! If you go more than once, try the “pan de calatrava”.

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Bar Plaça

As the name suggests, this is actually a bar. However, the cooking skills of the lady of the house are so good that we certainly place Bar Plaça under the heading of restaurants.

Enjoy as an appetizer of the mejillones (mussels), gambas or other tapas. As a main course, “platos” are served. Simple, but delicious, our preference is the Sepia (squid).

The bar is located on the village square.

Cas Tarbeners

At Cas Tarbeners you go back in time: each dish is inspired by the Mallorcan history of Tàrbena, translated into a beautiful work of art made with nutritious ingredients. From cheeses and sausages to the most delicious wines from Mallorca … At Cas Tarbeners you are guaranteed to be surprised!

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Sa Cantarella

Just before you drive into Tarbena you pass the restaurant Sa Cantarella. Besides a beautiful view, you can also enjoy the pool at Sa Cantarella.

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Castell d'Inés

Castell d’Ines is located in a village at half an hour’s drive from Can Elisa, Castell de Castells.

Run by people with passion and love for the profession. A small restaurant where only a few tables are cooked. Only attention for the guest and the dishes.

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Can Sueño

Clean air, nature and silence. The sun, the wind, the mountains, are inextricably linked with eachother and with “Sueño”, which is Spanish for a dream. Rob and Hennie cook 4 days a week with lots of love and passion. Not only the dishes are great, the hospitality, the location and ambiance are an adventure in itself. Reservations are necessary.

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